August has been wild!
- We’ve had our usual networking, plus more.
- Caught up with some of our tradies and other people in the industry.
- Quiz night with some local Property Managers, no we did not do well! Hahaha.
- Inspections and appraisals galore with some former clients getting in touch about our
services. Winning! - A huge amount of properties advertised for rent with viewings coming out our ears
and one property renting in only five days! - Conference in Auckland was thrown in for good measure with a few small, but good
gems to take on board. - Lisa was re-learning to save lives at her refresher First Aid course and Amy went on
a wee Holiday. - We even had someone contact us about buying their small rent roll, which we won’t
be going ahead with.
A little market info:
As we mentioned above, we had a property rent in only five days. The market has been slow with rental prices dropping and properties taking longer to rent. However, with this property, we had a realistic advertising price, applicants that applied quickly and our owners came back to us the same day with an answer on the applicants we put forward. The focus was on getting great tenants who would stay long term, for a good price, rather than letting the property sit on the market, waiting to get a high price that wasn’t achievable in the current market.
The market tells us pretty quickly if a property is priced right and this is something we discuss with owners right from the start, when we first meet them at the appraisal. We write a great ad, have great photos, advertise on Trademe, our Facebook page, our website and share to all the Facebook community pages that will allow it. We do everything we can to get your property in front of people who may like to view and apply. If with all of this we’re still not getting any interest, or the right interest, it’s clear to us that the price is too high.
It is so important to get the right tenant for your property and we will never put forward an undesirable application, just to get the property rented. It’s not worth it. Would you rather lose $20 a week and have the property rented sooner, or would you rather lose hundreds per week and have your property empty for a month, or more? The right tenant may eventually come along at a higher price, but how long is too long for you to go without rent?
Has your property been sitting on the market for too long? Why not have a chat to see if we can help.