Our final update for the year, we’ll keep it short and sweet.
December, what a month, in fact, what a year 2024 has been.
We’ve had some great highs and some negative and stressful lows, done loads of learning (both personal and professional) and worked in a rental market unlike anything we’ve experienced in our years in this game.
2025 will be a year of new opportunities as we branch out to the Wairarapa for the first time, firmer boundaries, remembering it’s ok to say no and most importantly, putting our health and wellbeing at the top of the priority list.
We’re looking forward to the industry and company changes that are coming our way and can’t wait to keep sharing our journey with you all.
As always, thank you for your support over the past year, especially to our families and friends.
BRING ON 2025!
Amy (Wairarapa & Upper Hutt) 021 085 38220
Lisa (Lower Hutt & Wellington) 021 085 38224
[email protected]