What has happened in September?
As usual, we’ve networked up a storm and met up with some new tradies (you can never have enough people helping you out!).
This month it was Lisa’s turn for a wee holiday so off she went to Fiji for a much needed break!
What are we seeing in the market?
Viewings, viewings and more viewing, with hardly anyone turning up! We’ve tried weekend viewings, early in the day, late in the day, lunch time. It doesn’t matter
when we’re holding them, we’re just not getting a lot of interest right now.
Times are tough out there for everyone and although the rents have dropped a lot which is good for tenants, it’s very hard for Owner’s who have previously had their properties rented at a higher rate and are also facing rising costs of insurances and rates etc.
And, properties are currently taking longer to rent so if you’re thinking you might want to rent your property out before Christmas, we would recommend advertising very soon.
On a positive note, our friends in the Real Estate biz, tell us that things are slowly starting to pick up and we tend to follow their trends, so fingers crossed we’ll see an upturn soon.
Yes, I did just say the “C” word!
It is now only three months until Christmas and it quickly becomes a very busy time of year for everyone. If you’re finding it a bit too much to manage your property and find tenants, we’ll happily have a chat to see if we can help.