As always, April was a busy month.
Along with the usual crazy amount of networking, we also met with a business coach who gave us some great new ideas and things to work on to help grow our little business into a slightly bigger, little business!
Lots of planning and spreadsheeting and meeting with the lawyer and accountant has been happening to get us on the best possible path for our goals for the year ahead.
We’ve given our website a little zhuzh up (yes it’s a word, even though it doesn’t look like one!) – It means “to make something more interesting or attractive by changing it slightly or adding something to it”. Thank you Google)
A few stats for you?
- A few properties have been rented
- 8x Rental Appraisals this month with 6 of those having come on board already, how good is that?! We’re pretty proud of that achievement!
- 9x Routine Inspections completed
- Another owner from our previous company found us and came on board – Welcome to the madness!
- 3x Entry Inspections Completed
- 1x Tribunal Case assisted on for someone we know who was self managing and got into a little trouble…. We are now managing the new tenancy.
- 1x 10 minute presentation
- We were officially welcomed to the Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce, a surprise one minute speech was required for that. No pressure!
- We even managed a day off together with our families (on ANZAC Day! Ha!) visiting the amazing Willis Lane in town, with Mini Golf, Bowling and the Arcade. It was a
great day! - Oh and we may have done a wee interview with a certain Mortgage Company from one of our networking groups. Not terrifying at all!
Watch this space!
We are all go for the year ahead with some bits and pieces booked in that are WAY out of our comfort zone!
If you or someone you know want to get on board with this crazy ride, get in touch on the details below, we’d love to chat: