July 2023 Update

June 2023 Monthly Update for Haven Home Rentals Property Managers Wellington

The 19th of July was Property Managers Day and we’d like to thank the wonderful team at 1841 Bar and Restaurant for hosting our lunch with a few other local property managers. Your food and service never disappoints. – Check them out some time, they do the best Wedges and Lemon Lime and Bitters!

One of our Company Values is Communication. Communication is our strength. We’ll always be open and honest, even when the hard conversations need to be had, earning the trust and confidence of those we interact with. Our aim is to make this journey hassle free. This month, we’ve had a few of these kinds of conversations, which is never fun, but we find that when we take the time to sit down with people face to face, things are much more easily understood.

It’s been another month of firsts:

  • Hard conversations (there have been a few)
  • We advertised our first property and gave a sneak peek of another coming up, which we have had a huge amount of interest in
  • An enquiry came through because someone saw our cars and it reminded them of home. That was a bit special!
  • Oh, and we can’t forget about the lockbox we had to destroy!

August is already looking very busy with more properties coming up, business planning sessions, more networking and purchasing of lockboxes…. Hahaha

Thanks again to all of our amazing supporters, we appreciate each and every one of you!


If you've got any questions get in touch with Amy or Lisa using the contact details below or by filling in our form. If you are looking for a Free Appraisal,  go to our Free Appraisal Page.
Amy Lett
Lisa White


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