November 2023 Update

June 2023 Monthly Update for Haven Home Rentals Property Managers Wellington

November has been huge for us here at Haven Home Rentals.

We’ve advertised some new properties, did some appraisals at some INCREDIBLE properties, hopefully they will come on board soon and had an old owner track us down after she saw our cars and ask if we could look after her properties once again. Amazing! We’ve been planning, going to conference and having a few nights away to go with it.

We love that people are slowly starting to find us, especially after hearing about a wee rumour going around that we are out of the industry…. We’re obviously not and we welcome all owners, old and new to check out what we’re up to and what we have to offer.

What can we say about that?
It was fantastic!
We always get loads from a good conference but this year it just hits differently. We’re in control. We can implement all the things we’ve learned and we can do it as quickly as we want to, no convincing other people, no waiting to see if this or that happens before we do anything, no push back from anyone, we can just do it! One of our biggest takeaways is to live for now (but still save and be sensible, we’re not that much of a risk taker!). You never know what tomorrow will bring so take the time to do things with your families, make memories, take the leap, and make sure you take time for yourself
as well.

We didn’t quite make it to our 6 month goal but I think it’s safe to say that the election may have played a part in that with people putting their plans on hold while they waited to see what would happen. Things are starting to pick up again now and we’re hopeful to meet our 6 month goal by the end of the 7th month, we’re only four properties away from that so if you know anyone who has been holding off getting a property manager, give them a kick up the bum and send them our way!

December will be starting off with a bang when we take our awesome tradies out for lunch to thank them for all their hard work and support during the year. We couldn’t do this job without them, they know it and we know it and we hope they know how much we appreciate them!

After that we have another huge planning session booked in so that we can go through all our conference notes and decide what we’re doing when and how for next year. As always, if you know of anyone needing a property manager, know a Real Estate Agent that might need some rental appraisals or are after some advice, be it owner or tenant advice, feel free to get in touch. We’re more than happy to help.

This will be our last update that comes out this year so we just want to say, we hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and New Year break with family and friends and thank you again for all your support this year.


If you've got any questions get in touch with Amy or Lisa using the contact details below or by filling in our form. If you are looking for a Free Appraisal,  go to our Free Appraisal Page.
Amy Lett
Lisa White


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