October 2023 Update

June 2023 Monthly Update for Haven Home Rentals Property Managers Wellington

With the election done and dusted, we’ve found that things have started to settle down and are heading back to a more normal state as people make more concrete plans for their futures.

October was another busy month full of viewings, tenancy applications, rental appraisals, meeting new owners, new properties coming on, new connections being made and networking. We expect this will continue as people start making their plans for the new year ahead.

Let’s have another chat about viewings…

We had a big post about this on our Facebook page during the month and it’s a timely reminder about viewings etiquette as we come into the busy Summer months.

Your time is precious and so is ours, so open and honest communication and following these simple steps, really helps things run smoothly:

  • Respond to our messages When we ask you to confirm if you’re still attending the
  • Turn up to the viewing ON TIME. Believe us when we say that we notice when
    you’re not there.
  • Get your application(s) in quickly This shows us you’re keen. Make sure everyone
    who needs to apply, applies.
  • If you’re 18 years or older, you need to apply We require anyone 18 years or older
    to be named on the agreement, to do that, we need to run all your checks.
  • Submit all the required info on your application Yes, you do need at least three
    references, per person.
  • Talk to your references Make sure you have told people you are giving their name
    as a reference and to expect a phone call or email. The faster we can get in contact
    with people, the faster we can process your application.
  • If you have something to disclose, be up front We value honesty, if you tell us up
    front then it doesn’t seem like you’re trying to hide something.
  • Contact and communication We need to be able to reach you. If you’re hard to
    communicate with during the viewing and application process, that doesn’t bode well
    for a tenancy….

Next month we are off to conference and we couldn’t be more excited to have reached this milestone of being able to afford to go! Turns out it’s actually a bit pricey when you have to pay for it yourself… Hahahaha!

We always get so much out of conferences and are very much looking forward to learning loads and implementing new practices to make our business run smoother.

Next up will be business planning for 2024, how is nearly the end of the year already?!


If you've got any questions get in touch with Amy or Lisa using the contact details below or by filling in our form. If you are looking for a Free Appraisal,  go to our Free Appraisal Page.
Amy Lett
Lisa White


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