September 2023 Update

June 2023 Monthly Update for Haven Home Rentals Property Managers Wellington

What a wild ride September has been!

A battle royale was had with WINZ over a stressful and frustrating three week period to get registered as a supplier so we can help more people into homes. There were a lot of sleepless nights, countless emails, phone calls and trips to the offices to try and get it sorted for the four tenancies we had waiting for this to happen. Understandably, they do very thorough background and fraud checks, however if all the information gathering was requested and explained why it was needed in the first instance (it’s very personal you understand, and not just our info they were after), then the process could have gone a lot smoother. Oh, and a direct phone number to call the Suppliers Team wouldn’t go amiss either…. Anywhoooo, we are sorted now, thank goodness for that! To any new companies out there, it might pay to get on to this on day one.

On a more positive note, we’ve carried out loads of viewings and met some amazing people that we’ve helped into new homes, even renting a property in only 8 days! We welcomed more new and known owners who have managed to find us through the magical world of the internet and through the amazing support and referrals from our friends in high places! We’ve cleaned houses, had a zoom call on the floor of an empty property because the day had turned upside down and there was no time to get back. We went on a little trip up the coast and had the best pies we’ve ever eaten, bought little moving in gifts for our new tenants, been given gifts from existing tenants, the list goes on! It’s busy and crazy and keeps us on our toes and we love it! And, you won’t believe it, we’re actually going to get paid this month! Woop! Not much, but it still counts and we’re so proud of how far we’ve come in four and a half short months. Might have to celebrate with a cheeky bottle of wine and a block of chocolate, each.

With the election looming, the rental market has been a bit slow recently with a lot of people waiting to see what happens in this space before putting their plans in motion. Things should pick up again once we have a bit more certainty, knowing who has been elected and what their plan is for the property sector as a whole.

Check back next month for more updates on the market and what we’ve been up to!


If you've got any questions get in touch with Amy or Lisa using the contact details below or by filling in our form. If you are looking for a Free Appraisal,  go to our Free Appraisal Page.
Amy Lett
Lisa White


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